/BCO-DMO/CMORE/hoedylan/stations_09 --date eq 20120906-- Level 1

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#  C-MORE HOE-DYLAN IX stations
#  University of Hawaii
#  Sam Wilson
#  date inges 2013
# ########## September 26,###################################################################################################
sta       date        
2         20120906    
cast      time      lat         lon         depth_w     
92        0005      22.808      -158.050    nd          
93        0157      22.809      -158.050    nd          
94        0552      22.810      -158.035    nd          
95        0651      22.809      -158.050    nd          
96        1000      22.808      -158.050    nd          
97        1420      22.808      -158.051    nd          
98        1908      22.809      -158.050    nd          
99        2231      22.808      -158.050    nd